Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bloody Cross 7

Mediafire doesn't like me


  1. what happened to the military stuff you were talking about earlier? did you not get deployed? just wondering, truth be told I didn't understand all the terminology anyway. If you're staying, glad to have you.

  2. I'm undergoing two years of compulsory military service. Trying to do what I can while I still have available weekends.

  3. Wou thanks then for doing Bloody Cross I realy like it. Hope it all ends well

  4. Wow indeed. Thanks for keeping up the difficult work while doing new difficult work!

  5. Thanks for the chapter! I'm envious... wish I could read Japanese fluently. I really appreciate your work!

  6. THANK YOU!! I was search it for so long!!
    I have a question... can I use it for a translation (spanish)?!
    Of course I will put your credits and all
    I'll be happy if you acept it
    again, thank you for the translation to english. I'm glad that a fansub still make this manga
    thank you!!

  7. shit....its already 22 chapter and english scanlation is 7....WTF??????

  8. i was wondering because i love this series so much is there anymore chapters to this series and if so are you going to post them anytime soon

  9. Question, my group is interested in picking this series up if you've dropped it. Could you let me know if you plan to continue it? Because if you do, we won't encroach.
